Abramoff scandal is not just a Republican problem
The ever growing Ambramoff scandal is not just a problem for the Republicans - it is a national problem. The fact that lobbyist have this continuing access to Congressional members and staffs is endemic of a much deeper scandal - the removal of citizen access to their representatives. There is no more "representation by the people for the people". It is now "representation by those with access to those with access." We need more campaign finance reform - McCain- Feingold was well intentioned, but has done nothing but say "Hey! Look at us! We're doing something!". Here are a few ideas-
- Limit the Presidential Campaign season as they do in countries with a parliamentary system - the English have approximately 2 months to make their points. With the fact that we have a primary system to get the nominee, let's limit the whole shebang to 6 months. May 1st will be the kick-off day every 4 years. No one can declare their candidacy, place any ads, or raise any money before then.
- Hold the conventions on consecutive weeks - we can rotate who goes first every 4 years just like they used to do with the World Series (we could, of course, have a congressional softball game to determine home field advantage.)
- After the conventions, require the candidates to split the cost of a 2 or 3 time a week national broadcast of 20 minutes, where each side gets 10 minutes to present their ideas, platforms, and plans for their administration. This can be rotated between the major networks, so that they all bear the brunt without having to ruin their business 3 nights per week.
- Require at least 8 face to face debates. Not with the school girl rules that they have in the debates sanctioned by the LOWV. Steel cage match - anything goes!
- Repeal the 22nd amendment - why stop now if we have a good thing. Most scandals or corruption in past administrations have occurred in the 2nd term. " Oh, I'm going to be out of a job soon, might as well get mine while I can." The fear of an imperial presidency won't happen - we have had only one president who had more than 4 terms. This amendement was barreled through congress and the amendment process by anti-New Dealers.
- No contributions to the campaigns from the parties' respective national committees - period. No ads paid for by the national committees - period.
- Abolish the 527's - I won't even start - I don't have 5 years!
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