Thursday, December 08, 2005

Troop Support

While I was against the initial invasion of a sovereign country because we did not like them (let's not even get into the WMD debate), I have been wholly supportive of the troops on the ground in Iraq, and am in shock that the Rummy's plans totally ignored the needs expressed to him by multiple military professionals.
How about having enough troops to get the job done in the first place. Where was the post-war plan. There was never any Iraqi "Marshall Plan', only an Iraqi "Haliburton Plan" - and try to tell me that VP has no economic stake in all those no bid contracts - Haliburton was very conveniently labeled as the only company with the infratsructure in place to do all this work. Well, maybe that happened because they knew about the war before it happened. I don't put anything beyond the evil incarnate
Darth Vader pulling W's strings.