Friday, December 09, 2005

Paranoia will destroy ya

While I can totally agree with shooting this idiot, the London police still have a lot of explaining to do for shooting that Brazilian on the tubes. In a time of hyped up security alerts ( which I believe are often done to turn attention away from other issues the admin may have) we have to have law enforcement that is properly trained. Air Marshals get more gun training than any other law enforcemnt wing and I believe they acted properly, but we have a lot of law enforcement who seem all too happy to shoot first and ask questions later. Look, their job is not one I envy - being on the line every day, with a lot of really bad guys out there, but they still make an awful lot of mistakes, and teaching restraint with the trigger could avert a lot of tragedies. Maybe if there was a little more hand gun control, and gun companies were faced with the same liabilities that finally chased down the tobacco companies, the bad guys might not be so well armed, and the cops would not have to be so on edge.