Monday, December 12, 2005

Condi's Spin

While watching Condeleeza Rice's performance in Europe, I was reminded of Bill Clinton's conjugation of the verb to be during Monica gate. What she did not say was a lot louder than what she did say. Saying that US personnel would not engage in torture, but not mentioning sending alleged suspects to Syria or Jordan for some good old medieval dungeon time.(Not much talk of those CIA beatdown houses, either). The fact is we have sent "enemy combatants" to some nations of suspect character to get information. The continued arrogance of the administration is appalling - spin, spin , spin - don't worry, be happy - it just doesn't fly anymore, and the American public is starting to wake up.
The US should not be engaged in torture - anytime. Men who have been torured, like Senator McCain, say that torture does not deliver useful information. Hell, you remove the remote from my hand long enough and I'll confess to anything. It's not good marketing for the proiduct we are trying to sell - The American Way. Look, this great experimant of the FF is still the best system in the world (Men are far to imperfect to aspire to any Utopia - that is a pipe dream). We cannot let our pride in this great system become hubris, allowing us to make immoral choices, because it is just easier. At this delicate time in Iraq, we should be putting on our Sunday Best, and always take the moral high road.